Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pocket Snapper: Massive Camera App For iPhone With Virtual Models

Pocket Snapper is one of the many photo editing apps in the iOS App Store. It might remind you of a lot of other iPhone photo editors, but it does have its distinguishing features, making it worth its price. For one, there are some unbelievably good filters and effects in Pocket Snapper. Mostly the term of effects in apps implies nothing more than a change in lighting aspects and color values of photos. This is not the case with Pocket Snapper, and the filters offered by it go way beyond ordinary RGB effects. In addition to the beautiful filters and frames, the app will let you hone your photography skills by doing virtual photo shoots of real models, using a feature called iModel. More and that and other features of Pocket Snapper just past the jump.

Pocket Snapper iModel Pocket Snapper Gallery
Let’s start off with iModel. You can access this mode by tapping the button in the top left of the screen, and once you have done that, the app will make you choose from among a male and female model. Another model can be unlocked once you become a member of the Pocket Snapper community. This can be done by creating a new app specific account. In iModel mode, you can forget the scene which is actually in front of you, and make yourself believe that the model is actually walking in front of the camera. Using your iDevice’s accelerometer, the app will let you adjust the camera position to capture the model’s poses, and you can zoom in and out of the scene as well. Pocket Snapper has a gallery of its own, where members of the community share the photos snapped using the app. This is much like Instagram, just with more filters.
Pocket Snapper Camera Pocket Snapper Filters
As good as the iModel mode might sound, it mainly just for fun. The real business starts when you come to the actual camera in Pocket Snapper. By swiping across the bottom bar you can control the zooming, while the left bar is for flash modes. There is a timer integrated within the app, using which it is possible to set up a delay of up to 10 seconds before any picture is shot. After the image has been taken using the camera, you can rotate it or crop it from the Pocket Snapper editor. However, the real fun starts when you get to the Effects menu, where the number of available filters might not be too much, but the quality certainly is unquestionable. Each filter is different from the other, and can be applied to the opened photo with a single touch. The same holds true for frames, which have a separate section of their own.
Pocket Snapper can also be used to create photo collages using the Layout menu, where three predefined templates are present. For all these amazing features, the app fetches for $0.99, and can be downloaded from the link below.
Download Pocket Snapper