Quickly Generate QR And Micro QR Codes With Free QR Creator
Bar-codes are machine-readable, data-encoded images that contains user-specified pieces of information related to an item. A barcode can contain any type of data, ranging from the price of an item, the URL of a webpage, to the download link of a mobile app. Barcodes are now being used a lot in the form of QR codes (made famous by extensive use in Android Market), to distribute links among users. Previously, we have covered some very good QR code generators, such as BarCode Generator and QRGen, that allow you to generate and export QR code images in multiple formats. Today we have another QR code generator called Free QR Creator, that allows you to quickly and efficiently create QR code and Micro QR codes. The application supports output in BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF and EMF image formats.
The application has a simple, two step process required to quickly create a QR code. Just paste your data and export the file. There are other options to change the QR code type between normal QR Code or Micro QR Code. You can also change the background and the foreground colors of the QR codes, and apply borders on all sides. The QR code can be zoomed in and out of view. When everything is done, select File and choose an Export format to save the iamge.
The drawback of this application is that you cannot create QR codes if the text is long. In our testing, the code was created, but the QR Code reader failed to recognize it. Free QR Creator has a memory foot print of 2.7 MB and works on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.