Screencasts, or screen capture, are digital recordings of your computer screen. You may think of them as video screenshots that record and show the changes happening on your computer screen in the form of a video. If what you are trying to explain is not that difficult to understand, you can add screenshots with your content in order to deliver your message to users, but if its something very complicated, screencasts are considered the better option. You must have seen many video tutorials explaining to you how to perform a particular action on your computer. Now, you can create and upload your own video tutorials by using vTute Recorder. It is a portable application that allows you to easily create screencasts and upload them to vTute’s website. More on vTute Recorder after the break.
The application provides you with extensive settings to record screencasts. You can choose to record the complete screen or select a custom screen area by specifying the position through Left and Top, and size of the recording box through the Width and Height. The screencasts are recorded in an FLV file. The Destination FLV settings allow you to define the name of the file to create, specify the frame rate of the screencast from a range of 1 to 10 frames per second. You can choose to record video, as well as audio with the screencast depending on your requirement.
Specify all the settings and click Start Recording to begin recording the screencast. Make sure that if you have select Full Screen in the Area of the screen to capture option, the Mode is set to match the default resolution of you display device or it might get messed up.
Once the screencast is recorded, you can add it to vTute’s website through the upload form. This allows you to easily share it with other people. The upload form lets you add the author name, author email, tutorial title, tutorial category, tutorial file, tutorial thumbnail image and its description.
Complete instructions on how to create and upload a video tutorial using vTute recorder are available on the product page. The application has a memory foot print of 1.4 MB and works on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.